You’re a runner. You run every day religiously, rain or shine. So we know snow isn’t stopping you either.
Running in the winter, especially if it snowed the night before, can be dangerous. You’re prone to things such as slipping, or even getting sick: All things that the addicted runner in you does not want!
Here’s a few tips to make running in the winter a cool breeze:
- EXTRA GRIP so you DON’T SLIP! Find a good pair of trail shoes for tough hikes, or even look into getting Yaktrax to put on your shoes to add extra grip in case of slippery conditions.
- Try and run in the direction of the wind on the first half of your run! Running against the wind on the first half will make you hot and sweaty, and when you turn around to run into the wind it’ll be very cold. It’s also a great idea to apply some chap stick before your run to avoid dry and cracked lips.
- Run where the sidewalks are maintained by your city. Schools, government buildings, and just about anywhere maintained by your city is a great place to ensure you aren’t running through piles of snow.
- Don’t forget to hydrate! It may feel cold, but your body will need hydration all the same. Keep drinkin’ that water!
- Lastly, keep your ID and phone on you. Running in the winter is always substantially more risky. In the case of an accident, you’ll want a way to get a hold of someone if you’re in need of help.
We hope some of these tips helps YOU with your exercise – stay safe and stay warm!
-Brown’s Shoe fit, Hutchinson